Step - 1: Create an API


Create New API

Refer to the Integration tab from Dashboard Sidebar and click on Add New API (Provide a name to the API as applicable for future reference).


Select Method

You can select two types of methods:
GET Method: You should select this if you don’t want all the customer data. Here you can add a header and a parameter to your API.
POST Method: You should select this if you want all the customer data. You will get the information of the customer that has triggered this. You can add a header and additional parameters to your API as well.


Select Output Type

You can show the desired data through different blocks:
Text Block: Data is shown as plain text.
Image Block: Data is shown as an image.
Gallery Block: Data is shown in the form of a Gallery carousel (best suited to showcase products).
Button Block: Data is shown in the form of buttons for users to press and access.
Quick Reply Block: Data is shown on the floating buttons for users to press and access.

Always use a secret header token to protect your API end from unwanted usage.

Step - 2: Call the API in Chatbot Builder


Create a Sequence

Create a Sequence from the Builder.


Create a Block

Add the necessary Block in the Sequence.


Call API in the Block

Text Block: When you add a Text Block use << on the text field and you’ll see a list of all the APIs you have created. Select the desired one.
Image Block: When you add an Image Block, you’ll see the option Create an API image block. Click it and you’ll see the list of APIs. Select the suitable one.
Gallery Block: When you add a Gallery Block, you’ll see the option Create an API Gallery Item. Press on it and you’ll see the list of APIs. Select the suitable one.
Button Block: When you add a Button Block, you’ll see the option Create an API button. Press on it and you’ll see the list of APIs. Select the suitable one.
Quick Reply Block: When you add a Quick Reply Block, you’ll see the option Create an API button. Press on it and you’ll see the list of APIs. Select the suitable one.

Step - 3: Receive data at your API Endpoint

If you use a POST request, your API endpoint will receive the following data of the customer who triggered the API:

    "uid": 1, #unique customer id
    "platform_id": 1, #id of the channel
    "bot_enabled": true|false,
    "avatar": "" # url,
    "first_name": "Lorem",
    "last_name": "Ipsum",
    "full_name": "Lorem Ipsum",
    "gender": "male|female",
    "timezone": 6.0,
    "locale": "",
    "language": "",
    "phone": "",
    "email": "",
    "created_at": "2020-10-16 06:41:59.039735+00:00", 
    "last_message_text": "", # User's last message
    "last_message_time": "",
    # Key-Value pair depending on the saved attributes of that customer
To get API request in your backend, you need to connect the channel.

Step - 4: Return Data in the API response

To trigger any specific block in response, return data in the following structure:

You need to return the data within 5 seconds.
    "data": "text", # string - this will contain the actual data
    "success": true/false, # boolean
    "message": "Successful", # string - this can be used for keeping logs
    "attributes": {
        # optional key-value pair to save in customer data
    "status": 200 # integer
If you want to use newline in data, use \n